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Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life (2009)

Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Anime / Children

Many thousands of years ago, legendary Alpha Pokemon Arceus came to Earth to retrieve the Jewel of Life, which it had lent to a man called Damos - but Damos betrayed it, attacking Arceus with a large army of Pokemon. Arceus retaliated, and then, thinking it had killed Damos, went to sleep, but recently it has awoken and returned to Earth to find the Jewel of Life.

Cast and crew
  • Kunihiko YuyamaDirector
  • Emily JenessDawn
  • Michele KnotzJessie
  • Sarah NatochennyAsh Ketchum
  • Ikue OhtaniPikachu
  • Bill RogersBrock
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