Today, 12:55am - 1:55amon 5USA

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Series 14 Episode 19: Born Psychopath

When a school nurse notices several injuries on a young girl, the team investigates. A look at the family reveals a mother struggling to manage the violent outbursts of her nine year old son. As the SVU squad and the visiting Doctor debate an appropriate course of treatment, the situation rapidly explodes into a dangerous standoff.

Action / Crime drama / Drama / Mystery / Suspense
Original air date
Cast and crew
  • Alex ChappleDirector
  • Mariska HargitayDet. Olivia Benson
  • Ice-TDetective Odafin "Fin" Tutuola
  • Dann FlorekCapt. Donald Cragen
  • Richard BelzerSgt. John Munch
  • Danny PinoDetective Nick Amaro
+ Show all cast and crew