Aired Wednesday 19 February, 12:50am - 3:15amon Sky Cinema Family

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Adventure / Fantasy / Children

Harry, Hermione and Ron return for a third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but the school is under lockdown as notorious murderer Sirius Black has escaped from the jail of Azkaban and apparently has a score to settle with Harry. Hermione has a trick up her sleeve for getting to all her classes on time, which comes in handy in solving the latest mystery for the magical students.

Cast and crew
  • Alfonso CuarónDirector
  • Daniel RadcliffeHarry Potter
  • Rupert GrintRon Weasley
  • Emma WatsonHermione Granger
  • Gary OldmanSirius Black
  • David ThewlisProfessor Lupin
+ Show all cast and crew